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//! [ArceOS]( filesystem module.
//! It provides unified filesystem operations for various filesystems.
//! # Cargo Features
//! - `fatfs`: Use [FAT] as the main filesystem and mount it on `/`. This feature
//! is **enabled** by default.
//! - `devfs`: Mount [`axfs_devfs::DeviceFileSystem`] on `/dev`. This feature is
//! **enabled** by default.
//! - `ramfs`: Mount [`axfs_ramfs::RamFileSystem`] on `/tmp`. This feature is
//! **enabled** by default.
//! - `myfs`: Allow users to define their custom filesystems to override the
//! default. In this case, [`MyFileSystemIf`] is required to be implemented
//! to create and initialize other filesystems. This feature is **disabled** by
//! by default, but it will override other filesystem selection features if
//! both are enabled.
//! [FAT]:
//! [`MyFileSystemIf`]: fops::MyFileSystemIf
#![cfg_attr(all(not(test), not(doc)), no_std)]
extern crate log;
extern crate alloc;
mod dev;
mod fs;
mod mounts;
mod root;
pub mod api;
pub mod fops;
use axdriver::{AxDeviceContainer, prelude::*};
/// Initializes filesystems by block devices.
pub fn init_filesystems(mut blk_devs: AxDeviceContainer<AxBlockDevice>) {
info!("Initialize filesystems...");
let dev = blk_devs.take_one().expect("No block device found!");
info!(" use block device 0: {:?}", dev.device_name());